(08) 8123 0399


  • Ragazzi e Succo Amaro 750ml

    • Ragazzi e Succo Amaro 750ml
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    • Ragazzi e Succo Amaro 750ml

      Ragazzi e Succo Amaro pays homage to the Alpine styles of Northern Italy, with a complex blend of flavours. Bitter, burnt orange mingles with sweet orange, earthy cacao, and rhubarb root, enriched by subtle notes of gentian and menthol. The botanical sugars and addition of the Gospel Solera Rye Whiskey...


  • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo 750ml

    • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo 750ml
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    • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo 750ml

      Inspired by a love of traditional Italian aperitifs, Ragazzi e Succo’s Aperitivo masterfully melds two worlds with the addition of Australian native botanicals. Flavours of orange, mandarin and pink grapefruit dance alongside wattle seed, native mint and strawberry gum. Alc/Vol: 25.0%


  • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo Spritz 250ml Can 4 Pack

    • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo Spritz 250ml Can 4 Pack
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    • Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo Spritz 250ml Can 4 Pack

      This classic Ragazzi e Succo Aperitivo is blended with citrus, and locally made bespoke tonic water.  Fresh, zesty and bittersweet, this drink is brimming with botanicals and citrus with a long-lasting finish on the palate. Enjoy it straight from the can or serve over ice with a citrus garnish. Alc/Vol:...

      $28.00 New

  • Ragazzi e Succo Limoncello 750ml

    • Ragazzi e Succo Limoncello 750ml
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    • Ragazzi e Succo Limoncello 750ml

      Bring a taste of the Italian coast to your glass with Ragazzi e Succo Limoncello. This brilliantly balanced artisanal liqueur bursts with intense lemon zest flavour, sourced from organic lemons grown in the Adelaide region. With just the right amount of sweetness, each smooth sip sings with sunny citrus vibes....

      $65.00 New