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  • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml

    • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml

      The historic mulberry tree on Kangaroo Island was the inspiration for this take on a Sloe Gin. Naturally sweet and boldly tart, rich and smooth mulberry flavours that distinguish this elegant gin. (Seasonal) 700ml Alc/Vol: 28%


  • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml

    • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml

      Ginny Pig Distillery’s Winter Warmer Gin Tasting Australia 2020 Silver Medal Winner! An aromatic and warming gin with rich amounts of fig, cinnamon, ginger and clove on a subtle juniper base. It won't disappoint! Drink on ice for a warm home feel or add your favourite tonic with a slice...


  • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

      Produced in small batches utilising grape spirit, the 78 Degrees Gin is vapour distilled using a unique column and basket distillation method, to retain delicate flavours and aromas. This gin exhibits notes of fresh red berries, with subtle hints of pine and eucalyptus. Further botanical integration adds depth and complexity,...


  • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

      Aromas are led by juniper, Riverland mandarin and coriander, with hints of spices. On the palate, juniper is closely followed by a mandarin middle and fresh lime on the back palate. Spices support with softness and complexity. Enjoy neat, as the start of a cocktail or mixed with tonic or...


  • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml

    • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml

      A delicious gin that achieves a delicate balance between florals and berries through the infusion of T-BARs’ Serendipi-T fruit tea blend with our classic dry gin. As well as imparting flavour, the blend leaves the spirit stained with a sense-heightening berry colour. RECENT AWARDS GOLD – 2021 SIP Awards International...


  • Ginny Pig Blueberry Gin 500ml

    • Ginny Pig Blueberry  Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ginny Pig Blueberry Gin 500ml

      A Blueberry Gin Delight Made with real blueberries this is a sweeter gin with a mild vanilla touch. A juniper forward gin best served with tonic, soda, lemonade or even your favourite Moscato. Such a pretty colour in the glass, we suggest garnishing this gin with a slice of orange...


  • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 500ml

    • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 2021 Vintage 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 500ml

      Prohibition Gin are incredibly excited to share their 2021 vintage of this new annual release. The short season of blood oranges herald winter turning to spring. To celebrate, their blood oranges were sourced from a single orchard near Loxton in South Australia, then peeled and distilled with the finest botanicals...


  • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml

    • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml

      Produced in small batches utilising grape spirit, the 78˚ Classic Gin is vapour distilled using a unique column and basket distillation method, to retain delicate flavours and aromas. A complex and savoury Gin distilled from a grape base and vapour infused with 12 botanicals, selected specifically for their purity and...


  • Little Bang Gin No 2.

    • Little Bang Gin No 2. - Regions Cellars
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    • Little Bang Gin No 2.

      Zesty and herbaceous. Cardamom, Dill seed, Celery seed, Black pepper, Bay leaf, Pepperberry 500ml Alc/Vol: 40%


  • KIS Wild Gin 700ml

    • KIS Wild Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • KIS Wild Gin 700ml

      This Gin is distilled uniquely with ‘Boobialla’, Kangaroo Island native juniper. Notes include; fresh local limes balanced with the perfume of eau de cologne mint picked from our garden and finished with the warmth of our hand harvested pink pepper corns.\ Alc/Vol: 43%  


  • Prohibition Limited Edition Christmas Gin 2024 500ml

    • Prohibition Limited Edition Christmas Gin 2024 500ml
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    • Prohibition Limited Edition Christmas Gin 2024 500ml

      Introducing the Prohibition 2024 Christmas Gin - a vibrant and indulgent celebration of the season's spirit. Make Prohibition’s Christmas Gin part of your festive tradition. Delightfully decadent - figs from the Adelaide Hills are paired with cherries and late-harvest Chardonnay grapes. We’ve layered in selectively aged Christmas spirit, laid down...

      $130.00 New

  • Australian Distilling Co Adelaide Gin 700ml

    • Australian Distilling Co Adelaide Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Australian Distilling Co Adelaide Gin 700ml

      The beautiful richness of Kangaroo Island lavender gives Adelaide Gin a subtle and delicate lavender profile. While floral in nature, the flavour profile is built up with a traditional range of spices, including juniper, orris root, coriander and cardamom. The result is a truly unique spirit enhanced by the flavours...


  • Little Bang Gin No 1.

    • Little Bang Gin No 1. - Regions Cellars
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    • Little Bang Gin No 1.

      A big, bold and spicy juniper bomb. Juniper, Liquorice root, Orris root, Black tea, Lavender, Wormwood 500ml Alc/Vol: 45%


  • Happenstance Gin Original 700ml

    • Happenstance Gin Original 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Happenstance Gin Original 700ml

      Happenstance Gin – lovingly distilled to create a gin that will tantalise your tastebuds and delight your palate. Distilled for you to enjoy the way you love it best; our citrus forward gin features traditional staples such as juniper and coriander that meet contemporary botanicals like lemon myrtle and strawberry...


  • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml

    • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml

      Ounce Gin ‘Signature’ is a union of 14 mindfully selected botanicals. Orange, Vanilla and Cardamom invigorate a traditional base of Juniper, Coriander Seed and Angelica Root to yield a characterful dry gin. We suggest a ‘G&T’ with a wheel of orange, an ‘Army & Navy’ or a ‘Negroni’ made with...


  • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

      Big, dry and peppery but not too spicy. Big Dry has notes of rosemary and thyme but what sets this gin apart is the jalapeno they use to give it that extra kick. The intense and robust flavours complement the dry taste of the juniper berries.  On the Palate: Juniper,...


Who doesn't like gin? South Australia now produces so many different types of gins from so many local producers, why would you go anywhere else?