(08) 8123 0399


  • Regions Casa Vodka 700ml

    • Regions Casa Vodka 700ml
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    • Regions Casa Vodka 700ml

      Our Casa Vodka is delicately produced one of our favourite distillers, Mad Monkey Distillery. Sustainably farmed Sugar Cane is used giving a smooth and delightful finish. A perfect base for any mixer or equally enjoyable served neat. Alc/Vol: 38.0%


  • The Still Co Vodka 700ml

    • The Still Co Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • The Still Co Vodka 700ml

      Pure + Zesty + Crisp This Vodka is smooth, creamy, clean and crisp. It has hints of pepper and citrus zest with a smooth sweet finish. Distilled from Australian Grain. Vegan Friendly. Gluten Free. Alc/Vol: 40.0%


  • Full Circle Spirits Botanical Vodka 700ml

    • Full Circle Spirits Botanical Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Full Circle Spirits Botanical Vodka 700ml

      You’ll find a shimmer of the Adelaide Hills in this smooth, soft vodka which is also creamy on the palate. The delicate savoury and floral notes come from fresh botanicals that have been handpicked in family gardens. Olive leaf, rosemary and thyme are savoury and herbaceous, while fresh spring lavender...


  • Sunny Hill Distillery Wheat Vodka 700ml

    • Sunny Hill Distillery Wheat Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Sunny Hill Distillery Wheat Vodka 700ml

      Sunny Hill 100% wheat vodka is mashed using wheat grown on their farm, fermented, distilled and bottled entirely on site making this a unique and sustainable "crop to drop" product. Voted best Australian pure neutrel vodka at London World Vodka Awards 2020. Awarded Bronze at San Francisco World Spirits Competition...


  • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml

    • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml

      Vodka five times distilled, and charcoal filtered from slow-fermented fairy tears and true loves first kiss. Or was it sugarcane? Bright as a January sunbeam with a hint of residual sweetness. Serve glacially cold. The finest Australian sugarcane molasses are mixed with rainwater and small batch fermented, only the softest...


Best enjoyed neat, chilled or with a splash of mineral or tonic water, we have a number of local SA made vodkas to suit your needs.