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  • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml

    • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Imperial Measures Distilling (IMD) Ounce Gin Signature 700ml

      Ounce Gin ‘Signature’ is a union of 14 mindfully selected botanicals. Orange, Vanilla and Cardamom invigorate a traditional base of Juniper, Coriander Seed and Angelica Root to yield a characterful dry gin. We suggest a ‘G&T’ with a wheel of orange, an ‘Army & Navy’ or a ‘Negroni’ made with...


  • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

      Big, dry and peppery but not too spicy. Big Dry has notes of rosemary and thyme but what sets this gin apart is the jalapeno they use to give it that extra kick. The intense and robust flavours complement the dry taste of the juniper berries.  On the Palate: Juniper,...


  • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml

    • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml

      Small Acre, big flavour! 12 botanicals, some from their own distillery garden, make up this punchy gin. Rhubarb, bay leaf, apple and cloves give a savoury zing on the palate.  On the Palate: Juniper, pine, notes of white pepper, herbaceous and earthy body, slight bite to finish This style pairs...


  • Prohibition Original Gin 700ml

    • Prohibition Original Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Prohibition Original Gin 700ml

      Prohibition Gin is the culmination of a vision to recreate the genuine spirit of clandestine heritage, with contemporary craftsmanship and top notch botanical ingredients. Their unique flavour story starts with wormwood, a banned substance in prohibition era, better known for creating absinthe. This with a tinge of blood… Blood orange...


  • KIS O Gin 700ml

    • KIS O Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • KIS O Gin 700ml

      The O’Gin highlights juniper, coriander & angelica root in a contemporary London style. The inclusion of the coastal daisy bush, ‘Olearia axillaris’ imparts sweet piney notes. A bold savoury Gin rounded with fresh South Australian oranges. Alc/Vol: 43.5%


  • Prohibition Moonlight Gin 500ml

    • Prohibition Moonlight Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Prohibition Moonlight Gin 500ml

      Prohibition Liquor Co.’s Moonlight Gin is an homage to all things flourishing under the cover of darkness. A dance of flavour, florals and aromas, watch the colour-shift explode with luminescence when mixed. This bootlegger’s bouquet combines cold distilled pink lady apple with native blood limes and rare red juniper. Black...


Who doesn't like gin? South Australia now produces so many different types of gins from so many local producers, why would you go anywhere else?