(08) 8123 0399


  • Polka Non Alcoholic Sparkling Wine 750ml

    • Polka Non Alcoholic Sparkling Wine 750ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Polka Non Alcoholic Sparkling Wine 750ml

      South Australian de-alc sparkling cuvée with wild harvested, native Lilly Pilly. Characteristically, the Polka team set out to create a non-alcoholic sparkling that was much more than fizzy grape juice and held up against alcoholic Australian sparkling. After 12 months of painstaking research and development they have arrived at our...


  • Polka De-Alc Dry Red 2023

    • Polka De-Alc  Dry Red 2023
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    • Polka De-Alc Dry Red 2023

      After more than two years of arduous trial and error, they were pleased to finally be ready to release their first De-Alc red wine. They began with cool climate Shiraz from South Australia, which underwent low temperature distillation to remove the alcohol. Unique blends of natural extracts from Tasmanian Pepperberry...


  • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sparkling NV

    • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sparkling NV
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    • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sparkling NV

      Grapes from the Sidewood award-winning Adelaide Hills vineyard are crushed and fermented at their winery in Nairne. They carefully remove the alcohol, ensuring the fresh aromas, vibrant flavours and chalky mouthful remain. Orange blossom, red apple and gooseberry aromas intertwine with crisp flavours of lemon peel, brioche and pink grapefruit....


  • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sauvignon Blanc 2022

    • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sauvignon Blanc 2022
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    • Sidewood Nearly Naked Sauvignon Blanc 2022

      Produced from Sauvignon Blanc grapes from the Sidewood award-winning Adelaide Hills vineyard. They carefully remove the alcohol, ensuring fresh aromas, vibrant flavours and crunchy mouthful remain. Citrus and nettle aromas are intertwined with delicate flavours of gooseberry, citrus peel and grapefruit. Beautifully balanced with mid-palate texture and a crisp and...


Don't want to be seen as the only person not drinking wine? Check out or no and low alcohol wines, you can still be at the party and not feel left out?