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  • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

      Produced in small batches utilising grape spirit, the 78 Degrees Gin is vapour distilled using a unique column and basket distillation method, to retain delicate flavours and aromas. This gin exhibits notes of fresh red berries, with subtle hints of pine and eucalyptus. Further botanical integration adds depth and complexity,...


  • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml

    • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 78 Degrees Classic Gin 700ml

      Produced in small batches utilising grape spirit, the 78˚ Classic Gin is vapour distilled using a unique column and basket distillation method, to retain delicate flavours and aromas. A complex and savoury Gin distilled from a grape base and vapour infused with 12 botanicals, selected specifically for their purity and...


  • 5Nines Distilling Single Malt Whisky Hills Cask 700ml

    • 5Nines Distilling Single Malt Whisky Hills Cask 700ml
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    • 5Nines Distilling Single Malt Whisky Hills Cask 700ml

      The 5Nines vatted releases are a marriage of complementary casks to create a smooth and well rounded whisky. 5Nines whisky is never chill filtered or flocked to ensure a true depth of flavour. Cask NotesCasks: A marriage of several casks (Bourbon, Apera & Altar Wine Casks)Oak: American and FrenchCooper: A...


  • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ambleside Big Dry Gin 700ml

      Big, dry and peppery but not too spicy. Big Dry has notes of rosemary and thyme but what sets this gin apart is the jalapeno they use to give it that extra kick. The intense and robust flavours complement the dry taste of the juniper berries.  On the Palate: Juniper,...


  • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml

    • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ambleside Small Acre Gin 700ml

      Small Acre, big flavour! 12 botanicals, some from their own distillery garden, make up this punchy gin. Rhubarb, bay leaf, apple and cloves give a savoury zing on the palate.  On the Palate: Juniper, pine, notes of white pepper, herbaceous and earthy body, slight bite to finish This style pairs...


With a range of spirits to suit even the most choosiest, find a large array of South Australian produced spirits, all in one place