(08) 8123 0399


  • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

      Using the biggest and juiciest of all the mandarins - the dekapon – the team at Applewood have made a refreshing, vibrant liqueur from exclusively Riverland citrus! The perfect ingredient for the ultimate summer beverage - the mando spritz! Alc/Vol: 20%  


  • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

      Aromas are led by juniper, Riverland mandarin and coriander, with hints of spices. On the palate, juniper is closely followed by a mandarin middle and fresh lime on the back palate. Spices support with softness and complexity. Enjoy neat, as the start of a cocktail or mixed with tonic or...


  • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

      Coffee beans are freshly roasted in the Adelaide Hills by Johnny Scott from Mighty Mighty Coffee and then cold infused over 24 hours. Blended with a grape spirit to create a smooth coffee liqueur, perfect in your next espresso martini or simply on the rocks. Please note: This is an...


  • 23rd Street Non-Alc G&T 300ml Can 4 Pack

    • 23rd Street Non-Alc G&T 300ml Can 4 Pack
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    • 23rd Street Non-Alc G&T 300ml Can 4 Pack

      Subtract the alcohol, but not the expectations. Our beloved Signature G&T, with the alcohol whisked away. Master-distilled botanicals and Riverland citrus mingle with superior no sugar sparkling tonic. Vibrant and dimensional, for the more demanding palate. No Sugar 4.2 Calories Vegan Friendly, Gluten Free No Artificial Colours


  • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml

    • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 23rd St Distillery Australian Vodka 700ml

      Vodka five times distilled, and charcoal filtered from slow-fermented fairy tears and true loves first kiss. Or was it sugarcane? Bright as a January sunbeam with a hint of residual sweetness. Serve glacially cold. The finest Australian sugarcane molasses are mixed with rainwater and small batch fermented, only the softest...


With a range of spirits to suit even the most choosiest, find a large array of South Australian produced spirits, all in one place