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  • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml

    • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • KIS Mulberry Gin 700ml

      The historic mulberry tree on Kangaroo Island was the inspiration for this take on a Sloe Gin. Naturally sweet and boldly tart, rich and smooth mulberry flavours that distinguish this elegant gin. (Seasonal) 700ml Alc/Vol: 28%


  • Pot & Still Fig Gin 500ml

    • Pot & Still Fig Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Pot & Still Fig Gin 500ml

      The figs are poached gently to extract the sweet fig aroma, essence, and earthiness. The gin botanicals and spirit show early on the nose with all the fig showing on the palate. Enjoy on the rocks with a squeeze of lime for a flavour explosion and a perfect balance of...


  • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

      Using the biggest and juiciest of all the mandarins - the dekapon – the team at Applewood have made a refreshing, vibrant liqueur from exclusively Riverland citrus! The perfect ingredient for the ultimate summer beverage - the mando spritz! Alc/Vol: 20%  


  • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml

    • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin 500ml

      Ginny Pig Distillery’s Winter Warmer Gin Tasting Australia 2020 Silver Medal Winner! An aromatic and warming gin with rich amounts of fig, cinnamon, ginger and clove on a subtle juniper base. It won't disappoint! Drink on ice for a warm home feel or add your favourite tonic with a slice...


  • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 78 Degrees Sunset Gin 700ml

      Produced in small batches utilising grape spirit, the 78 Degrees Gin is vapour distilled using a unique column and basket distillation method, to retain delicate flavours and aromas. This gin exhibits notes of fresh red berries, with subtle hints of pine and eucalyptus. Further botanical integration adds depth and complexity,...


  • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • 23rd St Distillery Signature Gin 700ml

      Aromas are led by juniper, Riverland mandarin and coriander, with hints of spices. On the palate, juniper is closely followed by a mandarin middle and fresh lime on the back palate. Spices support with softness and complexity. Enjoy neat, as the start of a cocktail or mixed with tonic or...


  • Pot & Still South Australian Fig Aperitif 500ml

    • Pot & Still South Australian Fig Aperitif 500ml
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    • Pot & Still South Australian Fig Aperitif 500ml

      This hand crafted aperitif is a complex blend of Estate grown ingredients and other additions designed to complement and support the beautiful fig flavour. Pour over ice and enjoy! Alc/Vol: 17%


  • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml

    • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Australian Distilling Co Rhapsody Ruby Gin 700ml

      A delicious gin that achieves a delicate balance between florals and berries through the infusion of T-BARs’ Serendipi-T fruit tea blend with our classic dry gin. As well as imparting flavour, the blend leaves the spirit stained with a sense-heightening berry colour. RECENT AWARDS GOLD – 2021 SIP Awards International...


  • Mischief Brew Pina Picante Soda Can 250ml Can 4 Pack

    • Mischief Brew Pina Picante Soda Can 250ml Can 4 Pack
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    • Mischief Brew Pina Picante Soda Can 250ml Can 4 Pack

      This hot and spicy collaboration brings together the team with their great friend Mat from Mat's Hot Shop. Known for crafting some of the country’s most delicious hot sauces, Mat also runs a hot sauce shop and tasting room in Collingwood, Victoria. The Piña Picante soda is inspired by one...


  • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

      Coffee beans are freshly roasted in the Adelaide Hills by Johnny Scott from Mighty Mighty Coffee and then cold infused over 24 hours. Blended with a grape spirit to create a smooth coffee liqueur, perfect in your next espresso martini or simply on the rocks. Please note: This is an...


  • Ginny Pig Blueberry Gin 500ml

    • Ginny Pig Blueberry  Gin 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Ginny Pig Blueberry Gin 500ml

      A Blueberry Gin Delight Made with real blueberries this is a sweeter gin with a mild vanilla touch. A juniper forward gin best served with tonic, soda, lemonade or even your favourite Moscato. Such a pretty colour in the glass, we suggest garnishing this gin with a slice of orange...


  • Delinquente Bizzarro Aperitivo 750ml

    • Delinquente Bizzaro Aperitivo 750ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Delinquente Bizzarro Aperitivo 750ml

      Bizzarro is a take on an all natural, Australian bitter aperitivo, made in the Delinquente way – scant regard for tradition, all about deliciousness. Delinquente take a neutral grape spirit, infuse it with an array of fruits, herbs and other botanicals, and use this concoction to fortify a dry white...


  • Lyre's Amalfi Spritz Non-Alcoholic 250ml Can 4 Pack

    • Lyre's Amalfi Spritz Non-Alcoholic 250ml Can 4 Pack - Regions Cellars
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    • Lyre's Amalfi Spritz Non-Alcoholic 250ml Can 4 Pack

      This award winning unique spirit has been impossibly crafted to capture the essence of a sparkling Spritz with flavours that are distinct & contemporary. Lyre’s spirits don’t just mimic, they have their own distinction as a premium non alcoholic beverage. Bouquet: Rich mix of aromas jump out including classic rhubarb...


  • Fleurieu Distillery The Albatross Whiskey 700ml

    • Fleurieu Distillery The Albatross Whiskey 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Fleurieu Distillery The Albatross Whiskey 700ml

      The wandering storm bird. Said to be the souls of lost sailors, these roaming aeronauts glide endlessly over the vast and sometimes inhospitable Southern Ocean.  Seen as an omen of both good luck and bad, these occasional visitors to our shores perfectly embody grace endurance and fragility. The Fleurieu coast...


  • Lyre's White Cane Non-Alcoholic Spirit 700ml

    • Lyre's White Cane Non-Alcoholic Spirit 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Lyre's White Cane Non-Alcoholic Spirit 700ml

      This unique spirit has been impossibly crafted to capture the essence of a gently aged white rum with flavours that are distinct and contemporary. Lyre's spirits don't just mimic, they have their own distinction as a premium, non-alcoholic beverage. To Taste: Generous flavours with oak and sugar cane providing the...


  • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 500ml

    • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 2021 Vintage 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Prohibition Gin Blood Orange Gin 500ml

      Prohibition Gin are incredibly excited to share their 2021 vintage of this new annual release. The short season of blood oranges herald winter turning to spring. To celebrate, their blood oranges were sourced from a single orchard near Loxton in South Australia, then peeled and distilled with the finest botanicals...


With a range of spirits to suit even the most choosiest, find a large array of South Australian produced spirits, all in one place