Cellar Door Sessions Clare Valley Feb 1

(08) 8123 0399


Hard Lemonade/Seltzer

Bowden Brewing 'Purple Yeet' Hard Lemonade 375ml Can 4 Pack

Bowden Brewing 'Purple Yeet' Hard Lemonade 375ml Can 4 Pack

$ $30.00
✓ In stock

The Team at Bowden Brewing spent hours after they made this tasty drop, sinking these and throwing around names, but nothing seemed to stick… Yes it’s purple and lemony, but it’s more than lemons. And what does purple even taste like?

This is 100% the real deal… literally….. Its full of fresh lemon juice and butterfly pea flowers (btw they are purple).

Yes it has butterflies in it*, and makes you want to fly, but butterfly juice just hit all the wrong buttons in the focus groups. And of course it’s juicy, but everyone uses that word to no end on beer labels.

Kind of makes you just want to yeet it down, yeet the can, and then get on yeeting. Whatever that means. Yes, YEET will do nicely. (*no actual butterflies were yeeted, as far as we know)

Alc/Vol:  4.2%

About the Producer