Cellar Door Sessions Clare Valley Feb 1

(08) 8123 0399


  • Unico Zelo Limoncello 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Limoncello 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Limoncello 500ml

      The team at Unico Zelo take their limoncello perhaps a tad seriously. Made from a safely guarded recipe - two different types of lemons from south Australia's oldest citrus plantation in Lennane Orchards, Montacute Valley, Adelaide Hills. This citrus orchard is believed to be planted 150 years ago. Why is...


  • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Mandocello 500ml

      Using the biggest and juiciest of all the mandarins - the dekapon – the team at Applewood have made a refreshing, vibrant liqueur from exclusively Riverland citrus! The perfect ingredient for the ultimate summer beverage - the mando spritz! Alc/Vol: 20%  


  • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • Unico Zelo Unico Caffe 500ml

      Coffee beans are freshly roasted in the Adelaide Hills by Johnny Scott from Mighty Mighty Coffee and then cold infused over 24 hours. Blended with a grape spirit to create a smooth coffee liqueur, perfect in your next espresso martini or simply on the rocks. Please note: This is an...


When the rest don't fit, you put it here, other locally made SA spirits, come have a look