(08) 8123 0399


The Still Co
The Still Co began over 15 years ago, Heino Hinrichsen and Bobby Liu partner together to create a fantastic wine export business and a chance introduction and meeting with Darin Kinzie (aka Chief Distiller) saw the seed planted. Heino and Bobby had collaborated with Casey Mohr over the past 15 years buying and selling to one another. However, a chance conversation, and timing was right for them all to embark on a new industry and The Still Co. was born.

Darin Kinzie Co Founder and Chief Distiller, a winemaker by profession, and a flavourist at heart. Darin’s passion for balance and flavour has seen him roaming the globe learning and leaving his mark with some of the power houses of the wine industry including the likes of Boisset Family Estates, Gallo and St Hallett most recently. Distilling however has always been a passion, and now he is able to create and lead the innovation of The Still Co. brand globally.

  • The Still Co Limoncello 500ml

    • The Still Co Limoncello 500ml - Regions Cellars
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    • The Still Co Limoncello 500ml

      Zesty, Fresh, Lush Vibrant and fresh lemon zest with an intense, creamy rich flavour of sweet lemon curd. 7 Lemons in every bottle. Gluten Free. Alc/Vol: 24.0%


  • The Still Co Vodka 700ml

    • The Still Co Vodka 700ml - Regions Cellars
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    • The Still Co Vodka 700ml

      Pure + Zesty + Crisp This Vodka is smooth, creamy, clean and crisp. It has hints of pepper and citrus zest with a smooth sweet finish. Distilled from Australian Grain. Vegan Friendly. Gluten Free. Alc/Vol: 40.0%
